World Rhino Day - Sunday / 22 September 2019
August 24, 2019 | BY NIkki Bolton
3 Rhinos are still being poached daily in South Africa but many who may have become immune to these statistics; reason with themselves “What can we do anyway? This is up to government and others. It’s probably too late to change what is inevitable.”
Extensive research has recently shown that 82% of the world’s wild mammals have been lost since 1970 and currently a million species are facing extinction in the next few decades. For many there is a real concern and an understanding that if we can’t save the rhino – how will we save the rest?
These are the people saying “I care”… and of course most of us care, but honestly, is that enough? The reality is that the time to care passed long ago and the time to “do” is now -before we pass the point of no return.
change is in our hands...
Life is demanding for most of us and we get engaged in our daily challenges where time is a limited resource and one we protect. But this is a resource we all have and it presents an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to our world and ultimately to us leaving a legacy. That sounds very dramatic but it is the truth… all it takes is our time. Can you imagine the resources and talents represented by people throughout the world being channelled into specific time given to causes? Using what we have in hand for a cause is not hard at all and the repercussions are significant.
Collaboratively we can bring about meaningful change without much effort… and with effort we can change the world. “It’s only one straw, said 8 billion people”… is a statement that should stir every heart and motivate every person to consider how they can make a difference.
People gravitate to causes that touch their hearts or where their passion lies, but, we should also be considering causes that represent issues that have far-reaching consequences for our future and our planet. People are important but equally so is our environment and the fine balance of nature that sustains life on earth.
Everything is interconnected and like a jigsaw puzzle, if one piece is missing, the picture is incomplete and in our case the balance of nature is upset and has consequences for us.
So what can we "DO"?
So what can we “DO”?
Firstly, do not turn a blind eye to the important issues impacting on our planet. Educate yourself and be aware while considering how you can make a difference and add your voice so that change is possible.
"In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught."
(Baba Dioum, 1968.)
So let’s teach our children and ourselves. Instead of worrying about the future of our planet and throwing up our hands, abandoning any sense of accountability or hope – let’s transform ourselves from worriers to warriors.
We have a planet and a future worth fighting for.
We cannot afford to stand back and hope that someone, somewhere will do something before it is too late. You are that person. Mobilise yourself, collaborate with others and find a way to make a difference. Move from caring to doing! #OLLIMove Be a part of our massive worldwide demonstration of support for our rhino.
On World Rhino Day, which falls on Sunday, 22 September 2019, we are extending a call to action. We are inviting anyone who has a heart for change, a desire to make a difference and to take a stand, to collaborate with others who share the same goals in the international #OLLIMove.
All it requires is for you to MOVE. Small steps accomplish greater things, but you have to take the first step. Start by doing whatever activity you enjoy on World Rhino Day – walk, hike, run, swim, cycle, yoga, dance… just move. Log your distance and time under The OLLI Move on Strava (a free app / to count you must log on the closest activity to run / ride / swim) or fill in the short form on our website at www.move.oneland.co.za so that we can keep track of all those who are participating in our challenge.
Donations are optional but if you choose to donate this will be directed to one of our rhino conservation projects which include supporting rhino calves and organisations pursuing wildlife crime / anti-poaching initiatives. We focus on both the preventative and restorative aspects of the scourge of poaching.
Help us to spread the word and create awareness!
Together, let’s get as many people as possible moving on World Rhino Day in the #OLLIMove. You will be surprised by how many people you have in your network and how as you lead others will follow. Be an example and move … extinction cannot be our legacy!
To find out more and to register for participation see: www.move.oneland.co.za
“We do not want to say we stood by and watched as the rhino became extinct in our lifetime – we urgently need to move from caring to doing!”
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