awesome south africans
Wayne has been nominated by Patrick Cromwell as an Awesome South African - an individual who has accomplished something of awe/endurance for a cause. As Patrick says: As South Africans we are all amazing but some are awesome.
We agree that all of us have the ability to make a difference.. Consider your talents and resources and find ways to do so - you might be surprised by what you can achieve!
rhino indaba in the park - seapoint promenade cape town
Patrick Cromwell of Awesome South Africans identified individuals who had a common purpose and brought them together at Seapoint Promenade...
Support Patrick on Facebook or on his website:
Braam Malherbe -
Do One Thing / DOT
Vanessa Wiesenmaeir -
Buy No Rhino / Rhino Art
Anton Fouche -
Get George the Rhino to Vietnam - An Asian Demand Reduction Campaign
Partners of the 'celebrating Women in conservation' campaign

environmental crime hotline 0800 205 005 or the SAPS number 10111
Report any suspicious activities around wildlife!